The Bizzare World of American Politics

The American Republican presidential nominee race has hit a new low as ever increasing bizarre statements are made to get the public’s attention.

Front runner Donald Trump, corporate businessman, is in the lead for the most extraordinary comments on how he would govern America or as he says “make America great again.”

At the top of his to-do list, if he is elected, is the building of a wall across the border of America and Mexico to stop illegal immigrants from entering the country and, just to add insult to injury, he is going to make Mexico pay for it.

A BBC analysis estimates that the cost of building such a wall would cost between $2.2bn and $13bn.

He has also said that he would like to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants living in America, even though it would probably cost as much as $114bn and take years to achieve.

Then there is the idea to have a database to track all Muslims in America, and monitoring mosques.

When challenged by a reporter as to whether that was like the Nazis’ surveillance of the Jews in the 1930s his response was: “You tell me.”

The unfortunate part of all this is that a lot of the American public seem to agree with his comments.

His latest outburst, according to the BBC News, is the mocking of a disabled New York Times reporter.

At a rally he performed an impression of Serge Kovaleskii who has a congenital joint condition, much to the outrage from disabled groups and the newspaper itself who said that the comments were outrageous.

His best comments are about climate change and that it is just “weather”, dismissing the science behind one of the most serious problems to affect the planet as a “hoax”.

If that doesn’t frighten you, remember if he becomes President in November 2016 he will have control of America’s nuclear weapons.

Sleep well!



It’s All behind you

They can be very painful and are said to affect almost one in three of the population.

Haemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, have been around since man first walked the earth and were mentioned in Egyptian writings.

And yet we are acutely embarrassed about discussing them, even with our doctor.

And it is not just humans who have them it is thought gorillas can get haemorrhoids, which probably explains why the males do a lot of chest beating.

Haemorrhoids are swellings that contain enlarged blood vessels found inside or around the bottom and can cause acute pain and discomfort.

They are caused by a number of factors including straining during bowel movements, sitting for toilet for long periods of time and being overweight.

Napoleon was said to have delayed his assault at the battle of Waterloo because his haemorrhoids were so bad that he couldn’t ride his horse.

His doctors were going to use leeches to cure the problem but lost their supply, which he was probably eternally grateful for.

Karl Marx, another famous sufferer once wrote to his friend Friedrich Engels saying:” To finish I must at least be able to sit down.

“I hope the bourgeoisie will remember my carbuncles.”

It’s a wonder Das Kapital ever got written.

Treatments range from the use of creams to surgery for the most severe conditions.

One of the treatments is ‘banding’ a procedure that involves placing a very tight elastic band around the base of the hemorrhoids, to cut off their blood supply.

A web site, which explains the procedure, also gives the very helpful advice of not trying do the procedure yourself at home, which is almost as bad as using leeches.

So if you have haemorrhoids, don’t be embarrassed or suffer in silence, put all your problems behind you and go and see your doctor.