Plaque honouring WW1 soldier unveiled in Sheffield

A plaque honouring a soldier who won the Victoria Cross in World war has been unveiled at a ceremony in Sheffield

Sgt M20151013_134915ajor John Crawshaw Raynes of the Royal Filed Artillery was awarded the medal for his heroic actions at the Battle of Loos in October 1915

He rescued a wounded colleague, as well as seven other men buried in a bomb-damaged house.

Visiting the site at the Cenotaph in Sheffield we asked a passer by what he thought of the plaque. “Well they gave me the life I have now. Leaders take us into war which I don’t like but the plaque is very nice.”

The plaque was unveiled at a ceremony dedicated by the Bishop of Stafford, Rt Rev Dr Steven Croft and was attended by the Royal Artillery, Royal British Legion and local schools.

The plaque was paid for by the Government as part of a scheme to honour Victoria Cross holders.


Sheffield College Forensics Practical

Asylum Seeker found badly injured in grounds of Sheffield College

An asylum seeker, currently squatting in a disused building in the grounds of Sheffield College, was found badly injured early this morning.

Murad Ismael, 25 who was originally from Iraq was found by charity worker, Adele Wright from Sheffield Asylum Group who had been supporting him whilst he had been sleeping rough.

The victim who was found unconscious was taken by ambulance to the Royal Hallamshire Hospital.

This scenario was part of a staged event at Sheffield College by the Forensics Department.

Adele Wright said:” Murad is an asylum seeker and we have been concerned about him because of his circumstances. I visited him at 7.00 this morning and found him unconscious.”

The Senior Investigating Officer, Emma Bargh appealed for witness and asked if anyone saw anything in the early hours of the morning to telephone 101 and ask for the Major Incident Department.

Two men sought in connection with possible hate crime.

Police are looking for two men in connection with an assault to an asylum seeker, after a witness came forward today.

DSC_0009They are treating the assault as a possible hate crime after graffiti “Get Out” was found at the disused building in the grounds of Sheffield College, where the victim was found.

Murad Ismael, 25 who was originally from Iraq is currently in an induced coma at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital.

The witness Jennifer Hopkins, 25, said:” It was about 2.20am and I was on my way to work as a cleaner when I saw a white man staggering towards a car as if he had really hurt himself. He got into the car which then hit a concrete wall as it sped off.”

Bob Hopkins, Sheffield Police Press Spokesman appealed for witnesses to come forward if they have any information concerning the crime by telephoning 101.

College Building Blunder

College Building Blunder

A building blunder at the new Sheffield College has left some windows in student classrooms boarded up by workmen.

The windows in a computer room at the new £8.8 million Creative Industries block, which look out onto a well-lit corridor, have even had an opening handle and blinds fitted.

The latest gaffe is one of many which have dogged the completion of the new building in time for the start of term.

Altine, a student at the college said”I’m surprised that the windows were boarded up. It must be breaching health and safety more by covering them up than just waiting for the replacement windows and allow the room to have light.”

Matthew Neale, Head of the Media Department, said: “The builders originally thought that the room had an outside wall and window. The passageway was built after the room had been glazed and it turns out that the indoor glass needs to be of higher specification to the outdoor glass fitted.

He added: “The builders are waiting for the delivery of the new glass and when it arrives it will be fitted and we will have light and ventilation.”