It’s all change for family mealtimes

It’s all change at mealtimes

British mealtimes are now a staggered affair according to a new report by McCain’s Frozen Foods, with more than half of families no longer sitting down to dinner together.

The “Teatime Report” suggests a wide variety of eating habits, from eating in front of the television to youngsters eating alone in their bedrooms and even listening to music.

The main reasons for this seem to be busy and hectic lifestyles for everyone, especially for parents who have to juggle different work schedules and children’s after school activities.

Mums seem to be at the forefront of this controlled chaos, having to embrace a more relaxed approach to mealtimes in order to cope.

We went out in the city centre and asked for peoples comments.

Danielle, 31 of Woodhouse said:” I have 2 children and we rarely sit around the table together. My work shifts and my husband’s just don’t allow us to eat together. My kids eat with their Grandparents, watching television.

She added: “I do think it is important to try and sit down at least once a week. We usually try and do this on a Sunday.”

It doesn’t just apply to families; modern living seems to affect everyone.


Zoe of Norfolk Row

Zoe, 22, of Norfolk Row, Sheffield lives in a house with 6 others all working long hours. She loves to cook for everyone but gets frustrated because mealtimes are dominated by her house mates all looking at their phones whilst eating.

She said “When I have a family I will insist on all of us eating together.”


Josh, who lives in the City Centre

Josh who lives in the city insists on sitting down to dinner with his wife every night. They make a point of not having their phones at the table.

He said: “I hate it when couples sit down in restaurants and then look at their phones – we are losing the art of talking to one another.”